Speech is the verbal means of communicating. Speech consists of the following:
Articulation is how speech sounds are made when your tongue, jaw, teeth, lips, and palate alter the air stream coming from the vocal folds. Children must learn how to produce /k/ sound in order to say /cook/ instead of /toot/. A child has an articulation problem when he or she produces sounds, syllables, or words incorrectly as a consequence, listeners do not understand what is being said.
Voice is the sound produced by the larynx, commonly called the voice box. A normal voice is judged according to whether the pitch, loudness, and quality are adequate for communication and suit a particular person. Voice is a problem when the voice is abused from overuse or misuse which can lead to hoarseness or loss of voice.
Fluency is the smoothness of speech with which sounds, syllables, words and phrases are joined together during speech. A fluency disorder, commonly referred to as “stuttering”, is the interruption of the smoothness of speech; for example, repeating sounds and syllables (“I I I I I like shopping.”), prolonged sounds (“your ssssssister”), blocking of sounds, and hesitations.
When a person is unable to produce speech sounds correctly or fluently, or has problems with his or her voice, then he or she has a speech disorder.
Speech and language disorders can exist together or by themselves. The problem can be from mild to severe. In any case, the first step to improve speech and language ability is to seek a certified speech-language pathologist by the Speech Pathology Australia (SPA) to conduct a comprehensive speech language evaluation.
If you have any concerns about your child’s speech language and learning issues, book a session with our certified and experienced speech-language pathologist.
言语是沟通的一种方式。它由以下内容组成: 构音 (Articulation) 构音乃是指說话时借着呼气的气流通过声带的振动,经咽喉、软硬颚、牙齿、舌、唇的修正,阻断或摩擦以发出语音;而如果在发音的过程中发生了构音的方法,位置速度的强度或动作协调方面的问题而无法正确的說出了特定的语音即所谓的构音異常。 嗓音(Voice) 声音是由使用声带经喉头所产生,借此声音说话、 唱歌、 笑着、 哭着,尖叫着,等等。一个正常声音的判断是依据其音调、 音量、音质和共鸣是否与性别年龄适当。声音有异于常人的特征,包括音调与性别年龄不配,音调与音量缺乏变化或变化不当,发声的音质不良、粗嘎、气息声、沙哑、或失声。 言语流畅(Fluency) 流畅的口语是指说话时节律的变化、段句、重音、速度的适当配合。言语不流畅,通称(Stuttering),是指言语的节律方面有过长或不当拖长音或言语流畅性被一些重复音、字句所打断,通常还会伴随挣扎或逃避行为。 当一个人无法正确的发音,或流畅的口语,或声音有问题,表示有言语的障碍。 言语障碍和语言障碍可以同时存在或单独发生。语言方面的缺陷可从轻微到严重,无论在任一情况,提高语音和语言能力的第一步,是寻求通过澳大利亚 (SPA)言语病理学学会注册的会员并有执业认证资格(CPSP)的语言病理治疗师,进行全面的语音和语言的评估鉴定。 如果您有任何关于你孩子的语言和学习问题,请与我们认证和经验丰富的语言病理治疗师预约。
Language is a code that we learn to use for communication of ideas and feelings through a system of speaking, reading, writing, or gestures. It is made up of socially shared rules that consist of:
· knowledge and use of a word (e.g., “star” can refer to an object in the sky on clear nights or a celebrity)
· patterns of word construction (e.g., happy, unhappy, happily)
· patterns of word combinations to form sentences (e.g., “Thomas walked to the store.” rather than “Thomas walk store.”)
· appropriate use of sentences in different situations (e.g., “Would you mind to pass the eraser?” could quickly change to “Pass the eraser, please!” if the first request did not produce results).
Language disorders occur when individuals don’t possess language skills required of them by their linguistic community. When a child or person has problem understanding others (receptive language), or expressing thoughts, ideas, and feelings completely and effectively (expressive language), then he or she has a language disorder.
Speech and language disorders can exist together or by themselves. The problem can be from mild to severe. In any case, the first step to improve speech and language ability is to seek a certified speech-language pathologist by the Speech Pathology Australia (SPA) to conduct a comprehensive speech language evaluation followed by speech and language therapy when required.
If you have any concerns about your child’s speech language and learning issues, book a session with our certified and experienced speech-language pathologist.
语言 语言在人类沟通情意、传达思想、促进人际关系、从事学习活动上扮演极重要角色。语言是一种符号化行为,我们透过习得的口语、 阅读、 写作或手势的系统方式来沟通思想、表达情感。它是由社会共用规则所组成的,包括: · 认识字音、字形、字义以及词的用法(例如:“明星star"可以指在晴朗夜晚天空中的物体或指名人) · 了解语法及构词模式: 说话句型结构合乎语法 · 正确的使用沟通情境和措辞: 在不同情况下使用适当的句子来表达(例如:"请你把橡皮擦递过来好吗?" ,如果第一次请求并没有产生结果,有可能迅速改变为"橡皮擦,给我拿过来!")。 儿童语言知识主要表现在语言理解与表达上,因此,儿童必须精于语音、语意、语法及语用的能力。当一个人有问题理解他人 (接受性语言),或有效地表达思想、 情感(表达性语言),那么他(或她)可能有语言障碍。 言语障碍和语言障碍可以同时存在或单独发生。语言方面的缺陷可从轻微到严重,无论在任一情况,提高语音和语言能力的第一步,是寻求有执业认证资格的语言病理治疗师,进行全面的语音和语言的评估鉴定。 如果您有任何关于你孩子的语言和学习问题,请与我们认证和经验丰富的语言病理治疗师预约。
The importance of early intervention for children with speech and or language problems cannot be ignored. Early intervention is transformative, necessary, efficient and accessible. All research demonstrates the value of assessing and providing therapy as early as possible in a child’s development. Many communication disorders can be reversed or even prevented with early treatment. Early treatment can help prevent children from failing behind developmentally, academically, and socially. It takes less time and money and it is accessible in schools, health care settings, and in private clinics.
Free On-site Speech and Language Screening Session
For childcares, pre-schools and schools
Sphere Therapy is pleased to offer a 60 minutes free-of-cost speech and language screening on location at a childcare, early learning centre, preschool, or school. Our Speech Pathologists—certified by Speech Pathology Australia (SPA) will go to your childcare or school and screen any children that may have or be at risk for speech, language, and learning delays. We provide bilingual screening tests to children who speak English, Mandarin or both languages.
Purpose of Screenings
The purpose of a screening test is to identify speech, language and reading difficulties as early as possible, so that they can be treated sooner rather than later. Speech and language development is considered to be a useful early indicator of a child’s overall development and cognitive ability. Speech and language delay affects 5% to 8% of preschool children, often persists into the school year, and may be related to poor school performance and mental and/or social problems.
Benefits of speech and language screenings
To investigate a child’s ability to pronounce words, understand and follow instructions, and speak in sentences – at the level expected for his or her age and level of schooling.
To detect communication difficulties as early as possible, as these difficulties are predictors to problems with social skills and language abilities such as reading, spelling and writing.
Recent research states the following key research conclusions that support seeking help early: http://www.readingrockets.org/article/it-reading-disorder-or-developmental-lag
90 percent of children with reading difficulties will achieve grade level in reading if they receive help by the first grade.
75 percent of children whose help is delayed to age nine or later continue to struggle throughout their school years.
If help is given in fourth grade, rather than in late kindergarten, it takes four times as long to improve the same skills by the same amount.
Targeted areas
Speech sound development, language development (i.e. receptive & expressive language), pre-literacy & literacy skills, speech fluency, and conversational/social skills.
We will work with you to set up a day and time for the screenings. Prior to the scheduled time, we will provide you with information for parents and consent forms to send home.
At the conclusion of the screening, information on the findings and recommendations will be shared with both the parents and school in writing within one week of the screenings.
Our partnership-centred approach
Upon receiving parental consent, student screenings will be administered in a 1:1 format, and will take up to twenty minutes. If you are interested in having your student’s speech and language skills screened, please complete the information below.
Suite 208, 13 Spring Street, Chatswood NSW 2067
Copyright © 2018 Sphere Therapy: Bilingual Speech Language Pathology - All Rights Reserved.